Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Top 10 Comedies of All Time

Sometimes in life we are faced with difficult decisions, and I have given myself one here. How do I pick the greatest Comedy of all time? Well, I do have many hours spent reviewing the material listed in this blog, and I also think that I know everything. So, here are my choices for the top ten Comedies of all time. Do you agree, disagree? Share your comments.

#10 National Lampoon's Vacation /Fletch - There was a time when Chevy Chase was the funniest man on the planet, how did he lose it?
Best Lines - "You think you hate it now, wait till you drive it" "I'll have a bloody mary, a steak sandwich, and a steak sandwich"
#9 Slapshot - My thoughts on this movie are already well documented.
Best Line - "Here's to all that snatch in F-L-A"
#8 Clerks - Great movie, great dialogue. Made for 27k. Is this movie really 14 years old?
Best Line - "37? 37? Try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!"
#7 Animal House - Without this movie there is no Porky's, no Revenge of the Nerds, no American Pie, and another 100 movies like them.
Best Line - "They took the bar, the whole f'ing bar"
#6 Blazing Saddles - This movie could never play in a theater these days, no way. It is politically incorrect!
Best Lines - "We'll work up an old #6 on them"
#5 Ace Ventura - This movie could be #1. It's got sports, dick jokes, and people talking out of their asses.
Best Line - "Your gun is digging into my hip" "Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea"
#4 Tommy Boy - I miss Farley. A joy to watch.
Best Line - "Fat guy in a little coat" "Next thing you know there's money missing off your dresser and your daughter's knocked up"
#3 Old School - Finally a movie from the past 10 years that makes my list, am I just old and out of it? This movie has it all, great characters, storyline, and dialogue.
Best Line - "It's so good when it hits your lips" "I thought we were in the trust tree"
#2 Dumb and Dumber - Non-stop laughs from start to finish. Jim Carrey and the Farrelly Bros. at their best.
Best Line - "Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber" "Raider of the lost fart"
#1 Caddyshack - I can watch this movie with my eyes closed. Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Ted Knight, and Rodney. Like Old School they just turned the camera on and said - do your thing.
Best Line - "How'd ya like to mow my lawn, hmmm, hmmm?" I have to laugh, I outsmarted myself"

Honorable Mention:
Billy Madison, Christmas Vacation, Dirty Work, 40 Yr Old Virgin, Friday, The Jerk, Kingpin, Wedding Crashers

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