FP: After 7 seasons with the Dallas Cowboys you are now a Cincinnati Bengal. How are things going so far in Cincy and what are your expectations for this season?
RW: I enjoyed my years while playing with the Cowboys, now I’m in a new phase in my life that is starting with the Bengals and I'm very excited about the chance to link back up with coach Zimmer. My expectations is to add to this Defense they did an awesome job last year, and I want to add to what they did, get our defense in the top 6 this year.
FP: What's your favorite moment on a football field?
RW: My favorite football moment, my first pick as a rookie against Peyton.
FP: What player or coach has had the biggest impact on your career?
RW: Coach Zimmer has had the biggest impact on my NFL career, he knows how to use me in this 4-3 defense.
FP: You played some QB in high school. Were you running the option or a drop back passer? How good were you?
RW: LOL yea I played QB in high school, I threw some but ran more LOLOLOL. Naw, I was ok. I took my team to state championship and I also played RB and WR.
FP: Did you play any other sports in High School? If so, were you good?
RW: Yea I played other sports, basketball my first year was to aggressive, didn't work out. I ran track all my years there, and I played soccer, just for fun but the coach wouldn't put me in cause they didn’t want me to get hurt. And I couldn't get in until we were winning by 3 goals. I know it sucks so I road the pine!! LOL
FP: The "horse collar" rule is sometimes called the "Roy Williams" rule. Is that fair? Is it legal in your book...what's your take?
RW: The horse collar is a rule and I have to play within the rules. Is it fair? I'll just say this… I'm an old school player when it comes to football. I watch Jack Tatum, Ronnie Lott, Steve Atwater. And you’re always taught to bring him down by any means necessary.
FP: You've laid down some serious hits in your career, is there one that stands out the most? Maybe one that hurt you more than the other guy?
RW: Um the hardest hit that I felt…there was a hit in the Philly game some years back when I hit Brian Westbrook. After the hit I thought I was ok, but I started to walk to the sideline and I fell face first… LOL
FP: OK, a couple questions for the Redskin fan in me. What players on the Skins did you enjoy playing against/admire the most? Did you get a chance to befriend Sean Taylor before his death?
RW: Redskins…yes I had a chance to meet and talk with Sean at the Pro Bowl, we've seen the bad boy image, on the football field, but he was actually a good guy, family man. I liked Sean a lot, sad to see him go. I actually had a sticker with his number on my shoulder pads…I think it's still on my shoulder pads.
FP: Week 2 of the 2005 season, the Cowboys are beating the Skins 13-0 with less than 4 minutes to go. Mark Brunell teams up with Santana Moss for 2 long bombs to win the game. What are your thoughts and comments looking back?
RW: As far as the Santana it's so in the past, and I would say this, it wasn't my man. I was playing the defense, how it was supposed to be played. And I caught the heat for it cause I was the safety, and people think it was my play to make and it wasn't. And that’s the play people hold on to still to this day, saying I can’t cover…not cool, but its life.
FP: You are a man of great faith and seem to have an enormous amount of happiness, positive thinking and forgiveness in your heart. How do you strap on those pads and knock the s%*t out of people?
RW: Yes I'm a believer and I play football, God's blessed me with the skill/talent to play ball. And I’m going to use my skills the best that I can to show out for God.
FP: Tell my readers about your charity.
RW: My foundation caters to help low-income single mothers. You can read up on it at www.roywilliamssafetynet.org
FP: Your very good friends with Adam Duritz from the Counting Crows, tell me about how that came to be.
RW: Adam and I met through a mutual friend that works at Cal Berkeley, like 6 or 7 years ago and we've been cool every since. Adam is a great guy.
FP: We are friends on Twitter, a place where lots of athletes and celebrities are interacting with fans. What attracted you to Twitter, what’s your favorite thing about Twitter?
RW: Yea I'm on Twitter. It’s cool to be able to talk to other people, friends and whatever the case, it’s a fast way to talk rather than pick up the phone, and others can chime in on what’s being said. I like Twitter. Sometimes people say some things that make me want to go off, but people have the right to say what they want even if it’s not something that someone wants to hear.
Cheers and Hail
"...deep breath....now let it out...good. Anyway; so, my mother is a big Orioles fan too, right? Well I mean she's a big fan. Watches every game, calls me many times a week to discuss those games. I mean she'll remember every pitching change and have something to say about it."
"That's a pretty dedicated fan."
"That's what I'm saying. Ok hop off the table. So she knows some people over at the O's organization, right? So somehow she gets hold of Dave Trembley's email address and sends him some email. It wasn't fan mail exactly, she sent him what she thought of various decisions he's been making, the losing, etc."
"That's awesome!"
"That's not all. Alright follow my finger with your eyes...Good. I'm going to check your ears. So she emails Trembley a few times and he responds and there is some back and forth and then Trembley invites her to lunch! So here is my mother, a little old lady, meeting with the manager of a major sports franchise for lunch. Hahaha, and she let him know what she thought in person at that lunch..hahaha."
"That's amazing! Say doc, I've got this rash on my back is there anything you can do for that?"
"Yeah, I'll give you the name of a good dermatologist, no problem. So they have lunch once and it goes well and she walks him back to the stadium afterwards, telling him how to run the team the whole way back from the restaurant. Apparently he values her opinion and likes her company because he's taken her out a few more times since then and has really taken an interest into what she thinks. Pretty cool."
"That is pretty cool. I would love to give him some of my ideas sometimes..."
"Yeah, my mom is a pretty neat lady. Alright drop trow..." *SNAP* "OK, turn your head an cough."
"Ah-hem...alright we done?"
"Yeah, we're done. Go ahead and get dressed and meet me in my office."
"Alright, thanks Dr. Craig T. Nelson's Gold"
That was a paraphrased transcript of a recent trip of mine to the doctor's office. Aside from my rash there was a pretty interesting story in there...Trembley listens to the elderly!!! If I thought the elderly knew how to use computers I would never write this article but I know they can't read Internet so I will write my concerns and criticism of Trembley for this blunder in managerial tactics.
It's not that I'm anti-elderly, it's just that the elderly don't understand the steroid laden and loosing mentality of the Orioles baseball culture. They'll give Trembley "good" advice that "works" in game situations without giving any regard to 'roid rage, egomaniac behaviorism's, or how to speak to Greg Zahn in grunts and moans (I wouldn't say that about Zahn if he wasn't a senior citizen...but because he is I know he doesn't know how to use the Internets).
Now Dr. Craig T. Nelson's Gold (his name has been changed to protect me from a liable suit, or any claim to being a good reporter) didn't divulge the nitty gritty about what advice his mother is giving Mr. Trembley, and my bid to have his mother email me to talk about this story hasn't come to fruition. I would bet the majority of her advice involves having the players ingesting more Metamucil and Fibercon (...and maybe the occasional sacrifice play to get more players into scoring position so they can actually SCORE WHEN THEY GET ON BASE!!!). Mr. Trembley may have won a few minor league championships but he'll never win in the big leagues unless he starts listening to a younger brand of adviser. The younger the better. With food the way it is these days us young people are infused with the very chemicals needed to fully understand the irrational behavior of major league ball players and how to inspire them to aspire to greatness. I'd feel much better thinking that Trembley takes the time to listen to some punk kid straight out of high school with a know-it-all devil-may-care attitude than someone from the "Greatest Generation". Shame on you for listening to older and wiser people Dave Trembley, shame on you...
...Ok so most of those opinions were sarcastic. In all seriousness I think it's truly awesome that Mr. Trembley takes some time out of the week every so often to speak with this woman. It shows he cares not only about his job, but how the fans perceive his team. It shows he's willing to listen to any good suggestion, wherever it comes from. The O's still have a long way to go before they're a contender again, but they've got the pieces in place to make a Tampa style run at some point in the foreseeable future, and I hope a humble and caring manager--who looks like William Shatner--like Trembley sticks around to see them make that run. Kudos Mr. Shatner, I mean Trembley, kudos.
Hello, my name is Jason Anton and I am an Orioles fan, Redskins fan, Terps fan....and Miami Heat fan...and I am the newest contributor to the Fatpickled blog! Now before you notice my Miami Heat comment and ostracize me, cast me aside, and mail me the severed head of a random animal please hear me out and understand where I'm coming from.
I grew up in Ocean City, Maryland. A place familiar to many mid-Atlantic regionals as an easy vacation spot and middle ground for 'Skins, Steelers, Eagles, 76er's, Wizards, Phillies, and Orioles fans considering it's pretty close to Philly, DC, and Baltimore (and for some reason there are Steelers fans in EVERY city on the planet...and they always come complete with their own bar of some kind. In OC it's the Salty Dog Saloon). This alone gives me the right to be an Orioles fan and Redskins fan (the Heat justification will come) but that's not all that ties me to these teams and vindicates my fandom! See I was born in 1983. Not only did the Redskins win the Super Bowl in '83 (for the '82 season) with a heroic performance from Riggins, but the Orioles won the World Series AND Cal Ripken Jr. won the AL MVP award that year.
Speaking of the 'Skins '82 season Super Bowl victory, I was there! Now I didn't have great seats, and I couldn't actually see the game because my eye sockets hadn't fully developed yet, but I did eat the nachos...if you follow me. I was born in June. My parents got me a pin to commemorate my attendance that I still have.
Now, my geographic justification and my chronological justification should be enough to qualify me as a blogger on the subject of 'Skins and O's. I have been a fan, since birth, of both teams. One of my earliest memories is meeting Boog Powell and it inspired me to be a sub-par 1st baseman throughout my little league career until it was discovered that I threw a wicked side-armed fastball (and then I became a sub-par pitcher). Thanksgiving for my family has always consisted of 2 traditions outside of the food: 1-We watch the original Star Wars trilogy 2-We root for whomever isn't the Cowboys in the Thanksgiving Day game no matter who it is. I am a diehard lifelong fan and that's all I bring to the table.
I plan on delivering to you, the loyal Fatpickled RSS subscribers, my insights into all things O's and 'Skins. Everything from the great potential of the Orioles outfielders, to how comfortable my wife finds the sweatpants she bought off of Chris Cooley's website. I don't do "investigative reporting" because I'm not a fan of "facts." It's a lot easier to just make everything up and I think everyone will have a lot more fun that way...just kidding.
Alright this post is getting long so I'll wrap up. I lived in Florida for a couple of years and that's where I became a Heat fan. They won the Championship while I was down there and I got swept up in the fever of it all. Also, all anyone ever talks about in Florida is the Gators and 'Nols. To which I could ever say is: FEAR THE TURTLE! and HAIL!
Here is a picture of my daughter in a LaRon Landry jersey:
Happy birthday Pete Kendall. Pete has spent the past 2 seasons with the Redskins starting all 32 games and doing a very good job. He is currently a free agent after the Redskins chose not to resign him. However, I think there is some gas left in that tank and if injuries open a spot, we may not have seen the last of Mr. Kendall. In the meantime, happy 36th Pete.
Happy birthday Omar Stoutmire. The backup safety spent parts of the 2005 and 2007 seasons with the Skins. Happy 35th.
Cheers and Hail
Karen Burnett (Maryland girl)
And for the record, if you google "reasons to hate the Orioles," you only get 190,000 results. We win.
Cheers and HailAdam Jones - Voted to his first All-Star game today, Jones is having a breakout year. He's almost eclipsed his numbers from last year, in every category. He batted .307-12-46 in the first half and played a gold glove centerfield. And he blew bubbles the whole time.
Luke Scott - He has swung a hot bat all year, .296-16-43, despite a stint on the DL.
Markakis, Roberts, & Huff - The big 3 have been as steady as ever. Roberts is tracking 70 extra base hits, Markakis is tracking 108 RBI's and Huff 110 RBI's.
Nolan Reimold - NOLAN! He finally got his chance and he's delivered. 9 HR's in only 45 games. He's got sneaky speed and doesn't seem over matched in any situation.
Brad Bergesen - All he has done is go 5-2 with a 3.53 ERA since being called up. His record would have been better if not for the bullpen letting him down twice. Plus, he's been lights out working with Matt Wieters.
Free Agent Class 2009 - Ryan Freel, Chad Moeller, and Adam Eaton are already gone from the organization. The rest of the class, Koji Uehara, Mark Hendrickson, Ty Wigginton, Cesar Izturis, and Greg Zaun range from disappointing to horribly disappointing.
Cubs prospects turned Orioles prospects - Since taking over the O's, Andy Macphail has made a point of picking up or trading for draft picks that didn't pan out during his tenure with the Cubs. Guess what...they still suck with an Orioles uniform on. I guess there's a reason we got Hill, Montanez, and Pie for next to nothing.
Middle relief - Bass, Hendrickson, Walker, Sarfate, Liz, and Ray have been absolutely horrible.
Melvin Mora - Not sure if it's age or something else?? He went nearly a month without an RBI and has 2 HR's and 9 extra base hits so far.
To Be Determined:
Matt Wieters - The knock on him coming up was that he was not going to be a good defensive catcher...so far he's been great behind the dish. His bat was slow to get going, but it's gotten hot the past couple of weeks. Expect a big 2nd half.
Cheers and Hail