Jessica Alba
Elisha Cuthbert
Marissa Miller
Megan Fox

Nadine Velasquez

Scarlett Johannson

Julianne Hough

Cheers and Hail
Jessica Alba
Elisha Cuthbert
Marissa Miller
Megan Fox
Nadine Velasquez
Scarlett Johannson
Julianne Hough
Anyway, though March has just flown by, and April will come an go just as quickly, remember that it's okay to take it all in. This is what we sports fans live for (at least until training camp opens), stop and smell the azaelas. Just pick a few for the wife, so you don't get into too much trouble.
Now I know when you do a photo shoot, the photographer asks you to loosen and up and "strike a pose," (Madonna pun intended.) Apparently after a couple shots of Patron, Alex likes to make a "booty call" to himself.
Alex: "ooohh, you look so sexy"
Alex: "come here here my big ball of testosterone Latin love"
These pictures were taken for an article in Details magazine. After the interview and photo shoot, Alex called back the author of the story to plead with him not to release Alex's favorite Madonna song in the article. A-Fraud feared the backlash of hearing the song played at opposing stadiums. I think he's already given Red Sox and O's fans enough ammunition (a couple of blow up dolls with #13 Yankee jerseys would be a good start.)
Well, he's got a couple of months to be alone with himself as he recovers from the surgery to remove the cyst on his hip. Don't cyst form where needles are repeatedly are used?
Tanner # 69,569 - 1 spot above legenday Sportscaster George Michael (who could forget him in Silence of the Lambs, I sure haven't and I remind him whenever I see him.)
Here are the winners from the contest. You can claim your prize by venturing over to my site http://www.fatpickled.com/, bookmark it to your favorites, then email me.
1st place - And winner of a signed 8x10 of Fatpickle is...Randow who came up with the combination of Pat (from It's Pat) and Gridiron.
2nd place - And winner of a signed 8x10 of Vladimir is...Xstatic4beer who not only has an awesome handle, but also gave us Uncle Buck and Big Wig.
3rd place - And the winner of a signed 8x10 of the man currently over 150,000spots behind Paula Deen on the Starmeter(in his defense she can do things with a green bean that is heaven) is...Tony Corsini who brought us Spicoli and The Helmet Knocker.
Congrats to all, there was some really good ones and it was a difficult choice.
So I'm working in the yard and hanging out in the garage yesterday when these 2 "love doves" decided to move in. I shooed them away once, but they came right back, so I decided to let them hang for awhile. They seemed cozy on top of the stereo and hanging out in front of the HTTR sign. I'm not sure what they were doing to my Eddie Murray Starting Lineup figurine (seen lying face down and squealing like a pig.)
When looking at the pictures I feel pride in my manly garage. The fishing poles, memorabilia, and tools (hidden porn, why is it all Asian?) work well together. My wife should also feel proud that she has regulated me to putting all my shit in the garage. Congrats honey!
Do you use different quotes in your day to day? Let us know in the comments.
Cheers and Hail
If you do try to take a picture with them, make sure you know who they are – I once watched a kid take a picture with Chris Samuels only to turn around and say thanks LaVar…come on you can’t mistake #60
Don’t ask them if they want to hangout later on at night just because they accept a drink from you at a bar – every athlete knows what happened in “Celtic Pride”
Unless the appearance is for autographs and pictures, don’t even try
No high-fives, hugs, or chest-bumps – a handshake could be acceptable
Please read this list over and try not to act like a love-struck thirteen year old next time you see a professional athlete out.
Oh yeah, and hot girls…please disregard this list and remember everything here is even more acceptable when done topless!