The Washington Times have been conducting a countdown of the 20 greatest players in Gary Williams 20 years at Maryland. They confirm what I've said all along, #1 Juan Dixon. (Wash Times)
A Michael Jackson tribute from where else...the Washington Redskins. Play the video in this post and if it doesn't bring a smile to your face get a douche or an enema. (Redskins Blog)
A Billy Mays tribute. Please, please, please watch the Orangle Glo video. "I love beautiful wood, don't you?" (Gunaxin) (via Hot Clicks)
Here's a video from the locker room of the 1982 NFC Champion Washington Redskins...ahh the glory days. (Hogs Haven)
From NESW SPORTS, The Top 10 Sports Movies That Make Men Cry. I personally am ok during most of these except Hoosiers(a small tear, when Hackman tells the team he loves them,) and Field Of Dreams(a big cry, when Costner has a catch with his dad.)
Cheers and Hail