Greatest KR in the history of the NFL. Look closely at this picture...there's so much to love. He's working the pinky ring, gold watch and a Redskins gold medallion necklace!

Darrell's got one of the greatest smiles I've ever seen, I think his smile could cover most of the WR's in the NFL today...not to mention that at age 50 he's still faster than most players in the NFL.

The mullet, the stache. If you never got to play the Donnie Warren game with Fatpickle and Porkboy...then you missed out, that game and Donnie will live forever!

Doug was always awesome with me...not sure what happened here?

In Gus we trust! Does Gus not look like he could be a cast member of Jersey Shore?

Back in the mid 90's I wanted to promote a fight, Ken Harvey vs. Greg Lloyd. As a matter of fact, I'd like to see that fight right now! Ken is one of the nicest guys on earth...and he could kill you with his bare hands.

Love KB, he rushed for over 4K yards in 3 seasons with USFL.

Yes, Ricky once wore #46. He also had 193 receiving yards in Super Bowl XXII...168 yards in the 2nd quarter alone. Awesome guy!

If you've ever been to the Ice House in Herndon, Va...then you've been to my Grandmother's old bar. It used to be Margaret's Inn and it was a place many Redskins visited in the late 70's to blow off steam and drink a few beers. Riggo knew my Nanny well.

Mark was on IR the year he signed this picture, with one of those mysterious injuries that would come up late in the preseason. Gibb's young QB's always came up with those phantom injuries back in the day. Give them a clipboard and make them wear an ugly sweater until they're ready to play. Anyway, he was healthy enough to sign this picture and toss the nerf football around with me.
Cheers and Hail